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Various health benefits of consuming besan

Posted on: 14/Sep/2018 11:13:23 AM
We have often seen people belonging to India, Bangladesh, Burma, Nepal and Sri Lanka etc consuming gram flour or besan. Do you know what besan or gram flour is?

Also called as chickpea flour, gram flour is pulse flour and is made from variety of ground chickpea. It must be noted that this gram flour could be made from raw or roasted gram beans.  High proportion of carbohydrates is present in gram flour.  Apart from this gram flour also has got high fibre content, and high proportion of proteins, minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, selenium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, iron, vitamin A etc.  

There are many health benefits of consuming this besan or gram flour. These are

Controls diabetes:

This gram flour has got low glycemic index and hence it is superb food for diabetes. By consuming gram flour there would not be any sudden spike in the blood sugar levels. This food could improve the insulin sensitivity.  It is important to use gram flour while making chapatis etc so that our health would get benefited.

Good for heart health:

It is well known that potassium could lower our BP levels. 100 gms of besan or gram flour has got 846 mg of potassium and this is superb. High BP could increase the risk of heart failure, heart attacks etc. By the intake of gram flour or besan our BP could be maintained.

Weight loss is possible:

For those who want to reduce their weight here comes a piece of news. Intake of gram flour could make you to shed weights. Gram flour is rich in fibre and protein and these two keep our stomach full. By the intake of besan, our bad cholesterol would be lowered and good cholesterol would be increased. This aids in the weight loss.

Regulation of our mood:

Vitamin B6 is an important component and is involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitter called serotonin. Gram flour or besan is rich in this vitamin B6. Serotonin is a happy hormone. It plays an important role in our mood regulation.

Colon cancer prevented:

Colon cancer affects many these days. This besan could help in avoiding colon cancer. It is worthy to mention that intake of besan lowers the oxidation of DNA and proteins and stops the functioning of beta-catenin. The lignans and saponins in gram flour or besan help in preventing colon cancer.

Bones get strength:

The presence of calcium and phosphorus in gram flour plays a vital role in the bone formation. Intake of gram flour is important for our bones to be good and strong.

Bowel movements are improved:

Sometimes constipation in us creates issues. By the intake of gram flour this issue of constipation could be avoided. The presence of fibres in gram flour plays a huge role in improving the bowel movements.

Anaemia is treated:

Deficiency of iron leads to anaemia. This deficiency could be overcome by the intake of gram flour or besan that has iron. It is said that 100 gms of gram flour has got 4.0 mg of iron.

Immunity is improved:

The vitamin B6 is present in high amounts in gram flour and this vitamin B6 supports our immune system. The presence of vitamin A and zinc bolsters the immune system.

Growth of hairs:

It is brought out that the presence of protein in gram flour or besan does tremendously for the hair health and hair growth. Issues like dandruff etc are avoided.

Acne could be treated:

The presence of zinc in gram flour helps in fighting infections caused by acne. Imbalanced blood sugar levels could create stress and finally to pimples in our faces. The fibre in gram flour stabilises the blood sugar levels.

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