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Foods to avoid to prevent acne breakouts

Posted on: 25/Oct/2017 3:44:55 PM
Among the most concerning and bothersome skin problems is acne! You may even feel highly embarrassed to visit public places and take part in social events! So, what do researchers have to say about this problem? They claim that planning your diet properly can largely help in combating acne outbreaks.
Australian researchers involved men of the age ranging between 15 and 25 with mild to moderate acne conditions. They were subject to diet changes and observed that there was drastic improvement in their acne conditions with this. Instead of consuming American diet with white bread and processed breakfast cereals, they opted for healthier diet with whole grains, lean meat, veggies and fruits.
The associate professor of Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia, Author Neil Mann said acne caused due to high protein and low glycemic index saw drastic improvement by almost 50 percent. This is more than what is observed with topical acne solutions.
Listed below are some of the food items you should completely avoid in order to prevent yourself from acne breakouts.
Studies show that chocolates may cause skin breakouts, as they can increase inflammation and promote bacterial inflammation, thus worsening acne. In case you are still unable to resist consumption of chocolates, you may switch to dark chocolates that contain healthy antioxidants.
Cow milk
According to a study in 2010, there is a link between cow’s milk and acne. The acne prevalence increases with cow milk and its severity also increases in participants.
Milk will increase blood sugar level which will eventually lead to acne. So, it is advisable to cut down the intake of cow milk from your daily consumption.
French Fries
Greasy fast foods like French fries should also be avoided as they can give rise to inflammation in the body. It may cause hormonal fluctuations that in turn will lead to acne. So, when you head out to the restaurant next time, choose healthy food like salad or yoghurt.
There is very high fructose content in soda. This is basically sugar and it is certainly not good for your skin. A skincare expert states that a number of studies claim that sugary and salty foods can lead to acne-causing inflammation on the skin. It can also aggravate active acne breakouts. In addition to avoiding sugary drinks, those with acne should also resist from having sugary foods.
White bread
There is very high glycemic index in white bread. It will trigger insulin spike and increase blood sugar level. It will lead to hormonal fluctuation and inflammation all of which will promote acne.

Other kinds of foods with high glycemic index are processed breakfast cereals, white rice, potato chips, cakes, cookies, and so on. These foods should also be avoided regardless of however mouthwatering they are.

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