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Diet villains that are not all that bad

Posted on: 06/Apr/2016 9:56:37 AM
New research has found that many foods that have been thought to be unhealthy are actually not that bad. Experts at the department of nutritional sciences at King`s College in London have re assessed the benefits of a few villains in a healthy diet. 

Eggs have been believed to be bad for the heart. About 185 mg of dietary cholesterol is believed to be present in a large egg. Recent studies have have shown that, unlike common belief, a normal intake of dietary cholesterol has very little influence on a persons blood cholesterol levels. Eggs are a good source of protein, healthy fats, and several vitamins and minerals.

Margarine and butter have also been given the cold shoulder by dieticians. Margarine is made of vegetable fat and is largely replaced by butter. Fat free margarine is also a favourite among health freaks. However, there has always been confusion whether fat spreads are safe to eat. According to the researchers at King`s College, as long as partially hydrogenated vegetable oil is not listed as an ingredient, then these spreads are safe to eat. 

Potatoes have a high glycemic index (GI) and are often associated with foods that are made from refined carbohydrates. Potatoes have been a no no for most dieticians. However, these vegetables are a rich source of carbohydrates, vitamin C, some B vitamins and trace minerals. The method in which potatoes are cooked matters in the level of starch in them. 

Say the experts, All foods fit into a healthy diet. Dont fall into the trap of believing in superfoods or food villains. Enthusiastic consumption of one particular superfood can be worse than consuming a so-called food villain.

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