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Want to control your hunger then try these

Posted on: 08/May/2019 9:56:39 AM
There is a feeling in all of us about eating food and this is natural. This feeling is termed as ‘Hunger’. It is important to note that there is a hormone called ‘Ghrelin’ that could make the person hungry.

The point is some people feel hungry even after consuming heavy meals. There are various reasons for this. It must be noted that by not consuming enough protein, not sleeping enough etc some feel hungry after meals. Curbing hunger is not an easy task and people often opt for appetite suppressants like pills etc.

There are also some natural ways by which a person could control hunger.

Fibre rich foods intake:

It is said that by consuming fibre rich foods like beans, lentils and peas etc a person could get feeling of fullness by 31 percent. The point here is fibre rich food stretches the stomach, slows down its emptying rate and finally triggers the release of fullness hormones in us.

Intake of more protein:

We could feel full and have less cravings for food etc if we consume foods that are rich in protein. High proteins foods like eggs, lean meat and soy products etc intake would be highly beneficial.

Intake of more healthy fats:

This is also one important way by which we could control our hunger effectively. By consuming olive oil, avocados, nuts and seeds that are rich in healthy fats, we could control our hunger. A hormone called ‘Leptin’ gets released from the fat cells when we consume fats and this would trigger the hypothalamus to reduce the appetite in us.

Intake of water or soup before meals:

It has been shown by some research studies that drinking a glass of water before meals could make us feel fuller, more satisfied and less hungry after meals. It must be noted that taking soup before a meal could quench our appetite after the meals.

By drinking coffee:

Peptide YY or PYY gets released when we drink coffee and this hormone keeps us full. It is said that this hormone peptide YY plays an important role in the quantity of food intake. For reducing the hunger, decaffeinated coffee could be the best.

By eating dark chocolate;

Majority of us love eating chocolates and it is said that eating dark chocolates could provide us a superb solution for controlling the hunger. In the dark chocolates is present stearic c acid and this slows down digestion and further increasing the feeling of fullness.

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