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These tips for preventing razor burns in our face after shaving are superb

Posted on: 18/Jul/2018 3:04:23 PM
Every man would have experienced this razor burn. It is important to note that razor burns are painful bumps that clog the pores on our skin and makes the skin red and itchy. Most men would have experienced this uncomfortable rash after shaving their faces.

Shaving regularly is an exfoliation process where dead cells present in our face are removed. This shaving must be done correctly otherwise razor burns will occur. These razor burns could be avoided if we know right shaving technique and also have knowledge about the products etc. Razor burns is often mistaken as razor bumps. Razor burns are irritations in the skin due to shaving whereas razor bumps are due to ingrown hairs.

Some of the symptoms of this razor burn are rash, redness, swelling, tenderness, burning sensation etc.

By these tips we could prevent razor burns occurring after shaving.

Use new razors:

This is an essential way to avoid these razor burns in the face after shaving. By using the razor many times the blades would become dull and bacteria would grow. By changing razors after shaving, razor burns could be avoided.

Proper shaving technique:

It is said that by shaving in the wrong or incorrect direction we could get razor burns in our faces after shaving. It is essential that we must learn to shave in the correct direction.

Shaving after taking shower:

Not many of us know that shaving after taking shower could be beneficial. Taking hot water bath and then shaving is good and easy as the hairs would be softer.

Using a shaving brush instead of hands:

Shaving cream could be applied on our faces by the help of a shaving brush and this could ensure more thorough and even distribution than when it is done using hands.

Clean the razor blades regularly:

Sometimes we use the razor blades without cleaning them. This could result in product and hairs build up on blades. Blades would become dull and lots of pressure would be applied to our face for shaving.  Razor burns plus inflammation of skin results.

Rinse face with cold water:

Pores present in our skin opens up after shaving. By washing our face with cold water many times the pores could close and it soothes the skin.

Shaving gel is better:

Many of us shave our face using shaving creams. It is now said that shaving gels could be better when compared to shaving creams as gels could prevent razor burns plus it would not clog the pores.

Avoid tight clothes etc:

Newly shaved face would get irritated when tight clothes or tight undergarments are worn. So by not wearing tight clothes and tight undergarments we could prevent irritations, razor burns etc.

Use antibiotic creams after shaving:

This is also a very important tip and must be followed by us to prevent razor burns etc. It must be noted that antibiotic creams kills the bacteria that clogs pores and cause razor burns in us. Applying antibiotic cream after shaving would be fantastic.<.

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