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Tips to Stop Biting Your Nails!

Posted on: 01/Dec/2014 6:28:49 PM

Nail biting is one of the bad habit that not only make your hands look ugly, but also if you bite your nails badly enough, you can enduringly damage your nails, teeth, or even your gums. Nail biting is the unconscious behaviours that we repeat beyond anxiety, stress or boredom.

Nearly half of all adolescents bite their nails, but more than 3/4th of those will part with the habit by age of 35. If you keep on biting your nails, the teeth enamel layer will be getting exposed to the semipermeable dentin, thereby it can be easily permeated by certain food chemicals and lead to severe pain.

If you wish to have a beautiful strong long nails, here are few remedies:  

Wear Fake Nails: If you are a nail-biter, then you might try to bogus it for a while. It really means, consider the excellences of fake nail products including acrylics, wraps, gels, press-on nails and so on. Fake nails not only appear great, they also do a fantastic job of averting you from nibbling away at your nails. Also attempt wearing bandages on your nails or gloves on your hands to avert nail biting. Though it looks awkward, but they are really effective.

Take up a New Habit: Nail biting; on top of giving a negative sway on your appearance, it can also affect your health. If you bite your hangnails, infections can breed under the nail bed. Even awful, you can forever damage your nails, gums and teeth. One of the best way is to divert yourself with another habit that will keep you well engaged during needs to bite. Few examples of distractions that can be very potent kerbs to biting such as humming, finger tapping, gum chewing, and candy eating. Also, nail biters have sufficient to worry on without the added pressure of rotting teeth and weight gain. If you might not able to trace a suitable distraction, you can attempt tackling the issue therapeutically. 

The Buddy System: Still, there are other tricky options for the wannable quitter, such as online support groups. Do you aware that achieving any goal is much easier when you do it with a friend. Many nail biters strive for the support of others who are also annoying to give up the habit. Quitting along with a friend or a group of people with the same weakness also permits you to share tips and strategies for quitting. Another significant reason to o look for a buddy or support group for nail biters is that there are prone to be similarities in the core causes of biting. Definitely the meeting of the minds can cast light on the root reasons of nail biting. Some examples of Web-based support groups are ‘Daily Strength’ and MDJunction.

Relief via Relaxation: For some people, therapies such as relaxation or stress-relief techniques are more effective.  For some reason, the nail biting is calming in the face of stress or worry. These therapies can be very valuable at lessening stress and anxiety, which is likely the root cause of the biting problem. Relaxation may also arise via the formation of a soothing environment, like drinking herbal tea and utilizing lotions that have soothing fragrances. Also few breathing techniques, including deep breathing or quick breathing may lessen the stress or anxiety. 

Dream of yourself getting to that Goal: The best successful methods of breaking the nail biting habit is just being able to think about the victory over the problem. The hint is that you pacify your brain to the need to bite by crafting a controlled environment, thereby augmenting your ability to overcome it as it`s underwent in real life. If you have fear on the appearance of your nibbled nails, you may uncover that using positive visual imagery can be a potent motivator. Visualizing success with nail biting can be a formidable rein and go a lengthy way on aiding you quit.

Maintain your nails groomed: Manicures are not only for the ladies. Try giving yourself a manicure at least once a week. Start by clipping your nails if necessary, and then smooth the edges with the file working in one direction. Dip your nails in a bowl of warm water with olive oil and then gently push the cuticles back using a pusher.  

Apply a Deterrent: You might have seen special creams, oils or nail polishes designed to stop nail biting. Elements for these products are usually hot, like cayenne pepper extract, or bitter, including denatonium saccharide. Some people also attempt home deterrent solutions like straight black pepper or bitters. Dentists can also mount you for a mouth guard if your nail biting is badly injuring your teeth.

Divert yourself: Keeping their hands busy, is the easiest way so they don`t have a possibility to reflexively put them up to their mouths. If you would pretty do something more prolific with your hands, mull over taking up a hobby that contains ceaseless handwork such as drawing, papainting, sewing, knitting, crocheting and so on.

Observe Why You Bite:  For many of people, there are very certain reasons for nail biting, such as boredom, stress, fear or anxiety. If you can trace out the drive for biting your nails, then you can locate a more productive way to deal with your feelings.

Seek Treatment: Nail biting could be an indication of obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD) which may entail professional help. Medications that may be prescribed include drugs like Paxil, Zoloft or Celexa. You can still attempt behavioural treatments to limit your nail biting. You might also go for meditation, yoga, or exercise as a diversion from the urge to bite.

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