Kumari Palany & Co

Liver cancer- causes and symptoms

Posted on: 19/Mar/2019 11:25:12 AM
By detoxifying many metabolites plus in synthesizing proteins and in production of bio-chemicals for digestion etc, liver is very essential for us. Right upper quadrant of the abdomen has got this liver located in us. It is important to take care of our liver so that our lives could be good and healthy. In our body one part whose functions cannot be compensated by an external application like dialysis etc is liver. Though liver dialysis could be done but it could not be carried out effectively for longer time periods. .

In the liver several types of cancer could be formed but the one that is most common is the hepatocellular carecinoma. Not many know that liver cancer is one of the fastest rising cancers in Canada. Usually people do not have any signs in the early stages of liver cancer.

Liver cancer could be caused due to following reasons:

Chronic infection with HBV or HCV:

It is said that this is one major cause for the liver cancer. The risk of getting liver cancer is more when a person is infected with hepatitis B or hepatitis C virus.


A scar tissue is formed in the liver because of the progressive and irreversible condition and this could result in liver cancer later.

Inherited liver diseases:

There are certain diseases like Wilson’s disease and hemochromatosis that could be inherited and these could even create liver cancer etc.

Having uncontrolled blood sugar levels or diabetes:

We know diabetes could lead to many health issues in us but not many know that it could lead to liver cancer also.

Symptoms of liver cancer:

Loss of weight:

People with liver cancer show loss in weight even without taking any effort at all. Please be careful if this happens and check with the doctor immediately.

Loss of appetite:

Though this loss of appetite could be due to other reasons also but just do not ignore it. Loss of appetite might also be an indication of liver cancer.

Upper abdominal pain:

Persons with upper abdominal pain must consult a doctor to find out what could be the reason for that. This might be due to thehe presence of liver cancer.

Yellow eyes and skin:

Most times we might think that having yellowish eyes and skin could be due to jaundice. But it might not be true in some cases as these signs could indicate that the person is having liver cancer also.