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Immunity boosting tips for this monsoon

Posted on: 23/Jul/2019 4:52:42 PM
There comes a range of illness with every onset of monsoon season. To combat these seasonal diseases, it is good that you make a few lifestyle changes. This will help you a lot in preventing monsoon maladies.

The first and foremost step is to have your footwear kept outside of your home. This helps in keeping all the germs and dirt outside as you step in after drenched in rain showers.

In this period, it is better that you avoid consumption of leafy vegetables. This is because, these vegetables will be prone to contamination. Also, when you visit a restaurant, you better refrain from having salads as proper washing of veggies is often put in question.

Vegetables and fruits you get from the farmlands may contain dirt and grime. In fact they may also carry deposits of pesticides. Hence, make it a practice to wash in warm water plus salt and apple cider vinegar.

Always carry fresh papaya leaves or papaya capsules with you. This is because these papaya products have got a lot of immunity boosting properties. They aid in boosting your platelet counts when you face malaria or dengue.

When it is the onset of monsoon season, the first thing to do is boost your immunity levels. This is the very first step as you may be prone to seasonal diseases such as jaundice, dengue, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis E, diarrhea, etc. Remember that no matter how effective your preventive measures are, when your immunity level is too low, none of these efforts can help you.

It is important that you get enough night sleep. You should regularly consume natural probiotic foods. Also consume a lot of fruits seasonally available. Be active all the time and engage in physical workouts and games. Enhance your immunity with home cooked brews. These are excellent alternatives to chai.

Coming on to the problem of mosquito menace, try natural ways to curb them.

Citronella can be used as a natural mosquito repellent. This is a spray which you can use in the room as well as on your skin to prevent yourself from mosquito bites.

Tea tree oil :
This is also helpful in fighting mosquitoes. It also soothes their bites on your skin. You can apply this oil on the skin and feel immediate relief. You can get relieved from the itchy, bulged mosquito bites, but cannot escape from harmful dengue or malaria fever.

Lavender essential oil : 
Get good night sleep with this oil. It also helps repel mosquitoes for at least three to four hours with the sharp smell.

Neem :
Apply neem leaves on your skin so that mosquitoes fly away for the smell of natural neem. Alternatively, you may also apply neem oil lamp in the house or bear with munching a few fresh neem leaves

Thyme : 
you can try burning a few thyme leaves (dry) to get rid of mosquitoes

Incense sticks :
There are a lot of incense sticks available in the market. Burning them is a good way to repel mosquitoes. This is a very good natural alternative to chemical usage

An added bonus
Below is a quick recipe to make an immunity-boosting chai

Required ingredients
  • Coconut milk or almond milk - 1 cup
  • Organic turmeric - 1 tsp
  • Rolled cinnamon - ¼ tsp
  • Ginger powder - ¼ tsp (you may alternatively use an inch of crushed ginger directly)
  • Star anise - 1 No.
  • Virgin coconut oil - 1tsp
  • Black pepper - ¼ tsp (crushed)
  • Honey - as required for sweetness

Cooking method
  • Take coconut milk and warm it slightly. You may also use almond milk for this.
  • To this, add all the ingredients other than fresh honey and coconut oil.
  • After thoroughly mixing, add coconut oil and honey and mix. You may use jaggery or palm sugar instead of honey.
  • Have this as a drink in the evening. This is an excellent drink and a tasty alternative to tea or coffee that are ubiquitous in Indian households. 

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