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Do you have mouth ulcer, then try these to get rid of it

Posted on: 06/Jun/2019 10:11:14 AM
In our mouth, there is a delicate lining tissue or mucous membrane present and when this membrane erodes then we could get mouth ulcer. Mouth ulcers could take place due to factors such as poor oral hygiene, accidently biting inside of cheek, rubbing constantly against braces etc.

There are few remedies that could provide solution for this mouth ulcer. These are

Consuming foods having zinc, iron and vitamin B:
The chances of getting mouth ulcers are more when we consume food that do not have zinc, iron, vitamin C etc. Hence try to consume foods like green leafy vegetables, chickpeas, beans etc.

Apple cider vinegar:
That apple cider vinegar is pungent and acidic is known but what is not known to many is this apple cider vinegar could be used to treat mouth ulcers effectively. In the first step, one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar is mixed with half cup of water. In the next step, the solution is swished in the mouth for few days. Repeating this process could give better results.

Salt water gargle:
This is also one superb remedy that could treat mouth ulcers. In the first step, salt is mixed with water and then gargling is done. Mouth ulcers could disappear soon by the soothing effect of water combined with the healing power of the salt.

Rubbing garlic clove:
It is believed that by taking a garlic clove and rubbing it over the mouth ulcer for one or 2 minutes and repeating this for few days the mouth ulcers would vanish.

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