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Tips to avoid health problems faced during the chilly winter climate

Posted on: 03/Jan/2019 5:02:47 PM
Being located in the tropical zone, most Indian citizens have bodies tuned and acclimatized to the hot weather climate and hence tend to face some health issues during the chilly winter season.

As the seasonal climate changes, complaints such as breathing difficulties, fever, the complaint of dry skin, etc., are likely to be encountered. Here are a few suggestions to protect the body from winter-related complaints/diseases.

During the wintry season, keep doing some regular bodily movement-oriented exercises such as standing erect/sitting erect, or bending the body for some time, etc., which would provide some warmth to the body. This would prevent the body and tissue aches which are typically encountered during the winter.

Take warm food especially during the winter season. Timely and regular meals sessions would help increase the body energy/stamina level. Further, take some easily-digested vegetables and vegetables which have high-fiber content such as beans and drumstick. As non-vegetarian food items are not digested easily, it is advisable to avoid non-vegetarian food during the winter.

Have a body massage with coconut oil or olive oil a few minutes before taking bath. This would help prevent the skin going dry and would help maintain good health. Make some paste from the Aloe Vera pulp and apply on the face and body which would keep the skin softer. People with allergic and breathing problems can use the aloe vera cream.

It is better to take bath in hot water during the winter. However, the tendency to take bath in very hot water, that too for a long while, can lead to dry skin condition! So, take bath in warm water!

The frequency of being thirsty will be lesser during the winter season. However, taking less water because of this may lead to the lesser water content in the body thereby leading to other complaints. So, please ensure taking 3 to 4 liters of water every day.

When the winter is somewhat severe, it is better to warm – woolen clothes. These would help prevent shivering due to the extra chilly weather. Also, ensure that the other main organs such as hands, legs, nose, and ears well-protected from chill climate.

The persons with asthma and breathing complaints should consult with the doctor and keep the prescribed tablets and medicines always ready by the hand.

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