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Benifits of aloe vera

Posted on: 22/Dec/2018 9:56:46 AM
Most of us are aware that aloe vera is a moisturizer and it does hydrates and soothes the skin affected by eczema.

Eczema is a skin complaint causing patches of skin which becomes itchy and irritating.  All treatment focuses on hydration, reducing skin inflammation, and to protect from skin infections. Most people resort to natural remedies including usage of aloe vera.

Properties of aloe vera

Research and study has established that aloe vera has the medicinal property to treat eczema symptoms with its qualities as a moisturizer as well.

The above of aloe vera is due to the following properties:

  • antioxidant
  • antimicrobial
  • immune-boosting
  • wound-healing

Eczema causes the skin to crack and bleed. It makes it more likely to get affected by skin infections. The antimicrobial effects of aloe vera may prevent these infections. Aloe vera`s wound-healing properties may help patches of broken skin to heal more quickly.

A study undertaken in 2017 has established that an ointment containing a mixture of aloe vera and chamomile may help relieve the symptoms of diaper dermatitis.

For eczema treatment, it is essential to identify the specific causes and triggers and avoid them as much as possible. Consult a doctor about how to treat and prevent eczema.

Usage of aloe vera

Aloe vera is used just like the other moisturizers. First, wash and clean the skin with unscented soap and water. Then, aloe vera gel is applied directly to the affected areas of skin and gently rubbed in quickly to prevent drying of the skin. This has to be done thrice a day. It is advisable to try on a single patch first, ascertain no negative effects, and then continue.

Combined treatments

After consulting and getting medical advice, combinations can also be tried.

To use aloe vera and coconut oil:

  • combine one-third of a cup of aloe vera and half a cup of coconut oil
  • mix thoroughly
  • apply to the affected areas
  • store it in a glass container in the refrigerator

To use aloe vera and essential oils:

Aloe vera and jojoba oil

  • mix aloe vera gel with jojoba oil, olive oil, or tea tree oil
  • keep the mixture in a glass jar overnight
  • apply to the affected area

Aloe vera with olive oil:

  • mix a tablespoon of aloe vera gel with a few drops of olive oil
  • apply to the affected area

To use aloe vera with turmeric:

  • mix a tablespoon of aloe vera gel with a pinch of turmeric
  • apply to the affected area
  • leave it for 20 minutes, then rinse well with water

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