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Do you know about these superb benefits of face serum application?

Posted on: 16/Jul/2018 10:19:04 AM
Being beautiful and looking young are very important these days. Most of us do many things for our face and skin. The word ‘Skin serum’ is often used these days by many of us. This serum is a clear thick liquid beauty product and is used for certain types of skin issues in us.

The various ingredients present in this face serum are hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, retinol, alpha hydroxyl acids, vitamin E, glycrerin etc.

These are some of the benefits of using face serums. They are

Skin is kept young and healthy:

It is known that collagen is responsible for keeping our skin tight and free from wrinkles etc. When we grow older then production of collages slows down and wrinkles and fine lines appear. This face serum could do the role of anti-ageing serum also. The presence of peptides, antioxidants, argan oils etc in face serum does amazingly in preventing wrinkles and tightening of the skin.

Superb healing effect:

Not many know that the skin serums could heal the cuts, wounds, scars etc present in our face and skin effectively. These serums are more concentrated and go deeper so they are highly potent in healing.

Glowing complexion:

External agents are prevented from damaging our skin by means of antioxidants in serums. Brightening of dull complexion is achieved as serums helps in formation of new skin cells and brings them to the top layer of skin.

Skin moisturising:

Some persons have dry skin and for them these face or skin serums could be highly beneficial as these serums are superb in moisturizing the skin. They are better than other hydrating agents.

Prevention of dark circles:

The presence of dark circles around our eyes would be embarrassing and it lowers the self confidence in us. By applying skin or face serums these dark circles could be prevented. Wrinkles plus fine lines, dryness present around our eyes could be eliminated by these skin or face serums.

Protects skin from harmful sun rays:

This is also one fantastic benefit of skin serum application. Our face plus skin could be protected from harmful effects of sun rays by this serum.

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