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Some signs & symptoms indicating male child during pregnancy!

Posted on: 25/Feb/2014 10:27:51 AM
Once the wife is pregnant, both the husband wife will be too eager to know about the sex of the baby. Just in order to pick a good name! There is no way to ascertain the sex in India. This is because, if the foetus is female, it is more likely to get killed in India. However, one can ascertain the sex in Western countries.

However, there are some methods suggested by our ancestors to know about the sex of the coming baby. Even though not proven, it had worked right in many cases. So, many of us still follow this.

Here are some symptoms:

Condition of the stomach - If the upper part of the stomach is large and the lower part relatively smaller, it is a male child.

Colour of the urine - If th colour of the urine is dense, it is a male child.

Pimples - If the pregnant lady is affected with pimples, it is a male child.

Smaller stomach - If the stomach is of a relatively smaller in size, it is a male child.
Breast size - If the right breast is larger than the left one, it is a male child.

Cool under-feet - If the under-feet are cold for most of the time, it is a male child.

Heartbeat- If the heartbeat of the child is below 140, it is a male child.
Hair growth - If the hairgrowth of the pregnant woman is more, it is the indication for a male child.
Sleeping posture - Lying on the left side of the body is an indication of the male child.
Hands - If the hands are dry and cracks are developing, it is an indication of a male child.

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