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Some fabulous health benefits of thyme

Posted on: 03/Apr/2019 9:56:08 AM
The important piece of information is thyme belongs to the mint family and is a versatile herb. The amazing truth is people belonging to the Mediterranean regions consume meals having thyme in it. This thyme has got unique odour and it could be used in dried or fresh form. Apart from being used in food, thyme could also be used as medicinal herb in treating many health issues in us effectively.

These are the various health benefits of thyme

Improvement in the mood and well being:

The presence of carvacrol in thyme could improve our mood to a huge extent when consumed for just a week of time. It is known that both serotonin and dopamine plays a huge role in the overall mood of a person. Thyme could increase both serotonin as well as dopamine and thereby our well being gets improved.

Cancer risk gets reduced:

By inhibiting both the proliferation plus growth of the cancer cells to other parts of the body, carvacrol in thyme could prevent the occurrence of cancers in us. Hence thyme is highly beneficial.

Anti-fungal in nature:

Do you have any yeast infections, skin rashes or thrush in the mouth then try thyme that not only kills bacteria but also acts as a superb anti-fungal agent. Intake of thyme is superb for our health. Sometimes thyme could be made into solution and applied locally on the affected portions of our skin.

Treating cough:

There are times when we cough continuously and find it very tough. It is said that thyme essential oil could provide us the solution and could help us in getting rid from cough. Not many are aware that thyme along with ivy leaves could reduce coughing and other symptoms of acute bronchitis.

Good for our brain health:

As we age, our brain gets degraded and brain breaks down just like any other parts of the body. The important point is oxidation etc causes adverse effects to the brains at speeds that are reserved for older persons. Our brain health could be preserved for long time by this thyme having antioxidants.

Respiratory functions are improved:

For our health to be good, function of lungs is very important. It is known that all the cells in our body needs oxygen supplied in excess quantities. Thyme could help in the reduction of respiratory deficiency bronchitis. The antibacterial effect of thyme makes it highly efficient for those suffering from respiratory disorders.

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