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Do you know that camphor could be used to treat many skin based issues in us?

Posted on: 04/Nov/2018 10:19:37 AM
We all know that camphor is used for performing puja in the temples and in the houses etc. We also know that camphor could be covered in wool and could be used to drive away the moths etc. How many of us know that camphor could also be used effectively to treat many skin infections in us? Yes it is true.

It is known that Cinnamomum camphora tree is usually found in places like Vietnam, Japan etc and from this tree is extracted camphor. Only those trees that are more than 50 years old could produce camphor. It is amazing that a camphor tree could grow above the height of 100 metres also. Camphor has got tremendous therapeutic qualities and due to this camphor is effective in treating many skin issues. Camphor has got distinct fragrance is known.

Camphor could also be used in treatment of below mentioned skin issues in us.

Fungal infection treatment:

This is one important use of camphor. Fungus occurs in us when our legs are not dry. The moisture gets trapped between our toes. Camphor could be mixed with water and this combination could be used to treat this fungal infection in our feet.

Itchy skin treatment:

Sometimes our skin could become itchy due to many reasons. In those times camphor could be used along with water to get rid of the skin itchiness in us.

Fading away the burn scars in us:

It is superb to mention that camphor could be used to fade away the burn scars also. In the first step camphor along with water is applied on the burn mark present in us. Please take care to avoid applying camphor on fresh burns as it might lead to swelling and discomfort.

Acne and pimples treatment:

Many teen age boys and girls suffer from acne and pimples in their faces. They try various ways to get rid of this acne and pimples. It is clear that camphor oil could be used to get rid of this acne and pimples in the young persons.

Rashes could be treated:

Camphor could be effective in treating rashes in us. Camphor in water is taken and this solution applied on the area having rashes. Immediate relief is got by the application of camphor.

Helps in treating cracked heel issue:

Many of us suffer from cracked heel issue in us and we look out for various ways to treat this. Not many known that camphor could treat this cracked heel issue effectively. A bucket of water is taken and some camphor is added. Then our legs are soaked in this bucket with camphor for a time of 10 minutes. Finally a pumice stone is taken and the feet are scrubbed gently.

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