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Say goodbye to the issue of head lice with these oils

Posted on: 22/Oct/2018 7:08:36 PM
Imagine this situation. You are sitting before your boss and suddenly your head starts itching. This is not an unusual and many of us would have faced this in our lives. The presence of head lice is one cause for the itching in the heads. The head lice issue is highly contagious and needs to be treated immediately. It is known that people with head lice find it uncomfortable to discuss about their issue with others. There are few essential oils that could provide a solution to this head lice issue in us.

The essential oils that could be used to treat head lice issue are

Using rosemary oil:

Rosemary belongs to family ‘Lamiaceae’ and is a woody herb with fragrant evergreen needle leaves. The oil made from rosemary is superb to treat the issue of head lice in us. In the first step we must mix rosemary oil and chemical free shampoo. Then the mixture is applied on the head having hairs. A nit comb is used to comb the hairs and later the hairs are washed well with water.

Using tea tree oil:

Tea tree is present in Queensland and New South Wales in Australia and the oil got from this tree could be used to provide a solution for head lice issue in us. This oil has got fresh camphoraceous smell. This oil has antimicrobial and anti-insecticidal properties in it. In the first step a chemical free shampoo is taken and mixed with tea tree oil. Then this combination is applied on the scalp having hairs and gently massaged and allowed to stand for 15 minutes. Then head is washed well with water.

Using clove oil:

From the clove plant is extracted clove oil and this clove oil has got aroma that could drive away the lice present in the head. In the first step few drops of clove oil are added to the shampoo. Then the mixture is applied on the head and massaged gently. A nit comb is used to comb the hairs. Finally the hairs are washed well with water.

Using lavender oil:

This is also a superb and effective way to get rid of head lice. This oil is got by distillation from flower spikes of certain species of lavender. The insect repelling properties of this oil would treat head lice effectively and also our scalp would be healthy. In the first step few drops of lavender oil is mixed with a carrier oil or coconut oil. Then this combination is applied on the head having hairs and massaged gently. Shampoo is applied on the hairs and nit comb is used to comb the hair. In the end that hairs are washed well with water.  

Using neem oil:

The neem oil has got insecticidal properties and this could destroy lice present on our head. By applying neem oil the irritated scalp becomes gentle. In the first step neem oil is mixed with coconut oil. Then the combination is applied on the scalp and massaged gently. After one hour the scalp is rinsed with shampoo. 

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