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These tips are superb to reduce the risk of getting strokes

Posted on: 24/Jul/2018 10:33:16 AM
Cell death takes place due to poor flow of blood to the brain. This medical condition is called as strokes. The 2 types of strokes that are present are ischemic strokes and hemorrhagic strokes. This strokes could affect anybody and at anytime. Hence we must be very careful regarding strokes.

The various reasons for strokes are high BP, diabetes, heart diseases, ageing, unhealthy eating habits, limited physical activities etc. People affected with strokes show certain symptoms like muscle weakness, paralysis, loss of balance, severe headaches, vision issues etc.

It is worthy to note that amount and location of the damage, age of the patient plus presence of any other disorder in the body are important and these factors play huge role in the recovery of the affected patient.

These tips could reduce the risk of strokes in us.

Blood pressure must be kept normal:

This is very essential tip to reduce the risk of getting strokes. High BP is responsible for strokes in us. Vascular health gets affected by high BP. Hence by reducing the salt amount in the food, normal BP could be maintained in us and strokes could be prevented.

Weight reduction is must:

Being obese is a major issue in many of us. This obesity could lead to many health issues and strokes is one major issue that could occur due to overweight. Hence by reducing the weight we could reduce the risk of getting strokes.  Intake of few calories and exercising would be superb.


Doing exercises is highly beneficial as it would help us in maintaining ideal body weight plus maintaining BP. There is no need to do high intensity exercises. Breathing exercises and walking would be superb.  

Avoid smoking:

Clot formation is accelerated by smoking. Blood becomes thickened and it increases the chance of building of plaques in arteries. There is twice the risk of getting strokes when we smoke. By quitting or avoiding smoking we could be free from many health issues plus strokes attacking us.

Intake of healthy foods:

We could be healthy and fit by consuming healthy foods as issues like strokes could be prevented. In this aspect intake of fruits and vegetables is good. Having lean protein and high fibre foods would be highly beneficial.

Regular monitoring of diabetes:

Many persons have this diabetes issue in them and this could result in getting strokes. Hence it is essential to keep a regular check on this diabetes.

Treating arterial fibrillation:

It is shocking that arterial fibrillation could increase the risk of getting strokes five times. In this clots are formed in heart due to irregular heartbeat. When these clots reach brain then it results in strokes in us. So this arterial fibrillation must be treated immediately.

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