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These health benefits of consuming jaggery are tremendous

Posted on: 30/Jun/2018 9:53:03 AM
In Asia, Africa etc traditional non-centrifugal cane sugar is consumed by many and this is known as jaggery. Often present as golden brown or dark brown in colour, this jaggery has got 50% sucrose, up to 20% invert sugars, up to 20% moisture, rest is of insoluble matter. Jaggery is rich in potassium, iron, vitamins etc.

Jaggery when consumed could provide us many health benefits. These are

Good for weight loss:

This is one important health benefits of eating jaggery. The potassium present in jaggery does superbly in improving metabolism, maintaining electrolyte balance plus in removing toxins from our body. Hence more calories could be burnt. Consuming jaggery adequately and in a controlled way could result in weight loss in us.

Helps in digestion:

Jaggery is recommended to those who suffer from the issue of constipation. Many digestive disorders could be prevented by consuming jaggery. Proper functioning of digestive system is achieved by consuming jaggery.

Superb blood cleanser:

Blood gets purified and cleansed by the intake of jaggery. Jaggery intake could result in the boosting of haemoglobin count in our blood and our immunity gets increased. Many blood disorders and diseases are prevented easily.

Relief from cramps during menstruation:

Women suffer from severe menstrual cramps and stomach ache during their periods. By consuming jaggery these issues could be lowered and relief could be got. There would be proper flow of the blood.

Anaemia is prevented:

Normal levels of RBCs could be maintained in us by the intake of jaggery loaded with iron and folates. Hence anaemia could be prevented. More energy is got by the intake of jaggery. Symptoms of anaemia like fatigue, weakness would be eliminated.

Relieves joint pain:

Most of us suffer from pain in our joints. It is good to eat jaggery when we have joint pain and intake of jaggery along with ginger could reduce joint pain in us. Bones get strengthened by consuming warm milk with jaggery in it.

Immunity is increased:

Boosting of immunity is got by the presence of vitamins, minerals plus antioxidants in jaggery. Stronger our immunity then lesser are the chances to get affected by infections, diseases etc. Prevention of free radical damage due to oxidative stress could be possible by the intake of jaggery that has got zinc and selenium in it.

Good for urinary issues:

For those who have problems in urination intake of jaggery would be superb. The diuretic nature of jaggery plays an important role and it stimulates urination. The inflammation of the urinary bladder is lowered by the consumption of jaggery.

Respiratory issues prevented:

These days we see many around us having respiratory issues like asthma, bronchitis etc. Intake of jaggery would be superb for them and these issues would be prevented.  

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