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Is it ok to take eggs for the people intending to lose weight?

Posted on: 09/May/2018 12:09:20 PM
Some people expect and demand egg as an item in the eating session without which they would not feel satisfied. Eggs would constitute the least possible non-vegetarian item on the meals plate. Otherwise, they would never feel the complete satisfaction of having eaten.

Imagine what will happen if these people venture into the loss of weight programme.  However, here are few tips to follow – these tips will ensure to prevent putting on weight.

The notion that eating eggs will increase weight is utterly false. The food and nutrition experts explain categorically that the question of weight increase only when an individual indulges in the excessive and unlimited eating of items like eggs, vegetables, greens, or fruits.

Keeping a watch on limited eating and avoiding excessive eating is the best tip to dispose of fears of putting on weight. The egg is called the ‘king of protein’.

This is because egg contains all amino acids and proteins. Egg white contains the protein called albumin. The egg yellow part contains the protein called globulin. Both the proteins constitute an important part of good body health. Albumin contains very minimal fat and people of all age groups can take it. However, globulin is not like that – some doctors recommend to avoid giving globulin to young and slightly grown children as the fat elements in globulin may lead to increase in body weight.

People intending to lose weight can take egg white on a daily basis, One can take 2 to 4 eggs while deciding to take only the white part.

In case of desiring to take the egg yellow as well, the individual should not eat more than 1 egg every week.

Again, it is advisable and better to avoid taking eggs altogether during summer.  This is because the egg may increase the heat level in the body according to the experts.

In case desiring to take eggs during summer, ensure taking more of fruit juices, buttermilk, and water to counter. These liquid items will reduce the excess body heat likely to be created by eating eggs.

In case some people insist on losing weight without giving up eating eggs, they can just oil/steam the eggs and take them and avoid frying the eggs. Why? While frying eggs in oil, this oil will add to the fat in the egg ending up putting on weight.

Keeping vigil on the above tips will ensure that one need not worry about gaining weight while eating eggs.

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