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Be careful!! Bad posture could lead to these issues in us

Posted on: 30/Oct/2019 10:35:37 AM
Many of us do computer based or other office types of jobs these days. These jobs require us to sit for several hours together in the chair. It is said that sitting for long time might result in few health issue in us. The situation becomes worse when we sit for several hours in a bad posture. Posture is defined as the position in which someone is holding their body while sitting or standing.

The various health issues we could get due to bad or poor posture are

Pain in the foot:

This is one of the most common issues of bad posture. It must be noted that if we are sitting for most part of the day and experiencing foot pain then we must check the posture. It is revealed that poor alignment of body parts would result in the pain.

Severe headaches:

Most of us get headaches and there are various reasons like eye problems, other health issues etc that could lead to headache in us. The point is headaches could also be because of bad posture.  Neck pain, back pain etc gets more due to poor posture and finally it could lead to headaches.

High stress:

Not many know that bad or poor posture could also result in high amount of stress in us. It is said that this stress would make it tough for us to finish the work. By keeping the posture right, we could avoid this stress.

 Digestive issues:

The abdominal organs could get affected when we sit in bad posture and we could get digestive issues. It is revealed that if we get constipation issue in us then we must check for the bad posture also.

Poor sleeping pattern:

Sleeping is very important for our mental health as well as for the physical health to be good. Many people find difficulty in sleeping due to various reasons. It is important to mention here that poor posture could also lead to sleeping issues.

Poor blood circulation:

It must be taken into account that poor posture might lead to poor blood circulation in the body. This might further result in varicose veins etc. Information is women are at high risk of getting varicose veins in them.

Pain in the jaw:

It must be noted that TMJ or temporomandibular joint syndrome results in us due to the poor or bad posture of us also. The m misalignment of these TMJ due to poor posture could lead to severe jaw pain in us.

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