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These are the various side effects of consuming papaya

Posted on: 20/Jul/2018 9:42:59 AM
Belonging to family ‘Caricaceae’, papaya is a tall herbaceous plant whose fruit is also known as papaya. The papaya is mostly present in tropical places in America and they would not be able to survive in low temperatures. It is important to note that the stem of papaya does not have much wood and it is soft. Hence it is called as herbaceous plant. The shape of the papaya fruit varies from oval to round. It is well known that papaya could be consumed by adding to salads or by making it as juice or as smoothie etc.  This papaya provides us many health benefits like lowers cholesterol, good vision, increase in immunity levels etc. Not many of us know that consumption of papaya could lead to some health issues also.

These are the various side effects of papaya intake by us.

Harmful to pregnant mothers:

The papaya seeds, roots and infusion etc could harm the foetus. It must be noted that uterine contractions takes place due to the presence of high concentration of latex in unripe papaya. Damage to certain membranes in the body that are essential for the development of foetus is created by papain component. Hence pregnant mothers must avoid this fruit.

Lead to digestive problems in us:

When papaya is consumed in excess amounts it could lead to stomach upset. Irritation of our stomach leading to pain etc is possible sue to the latex present in the skin of the fruit. Diarrhoea could be caused by the fibres in papaya.

Not go well with certain medications:

This is also one important side effect of this papaya intake. It is now proved that papaya would interact with some blood thinning medications and could lead to bleeding etc in us.

Blood sugar is lowered:

Our blood sugar levels get lowered when we consume fermented papaya. Hence persons with diabetes and taking medications must totally avoid this papaya intake.

Kidney stones formed in us:

It is known that papaya is rich in vitamin C. When this papaya is consumed in excess quantities then more vitamin C is consumed and it could lead to toxicity symptoms like kidney stones etc in us. So be careful when consuming papaya and not consume it in excess.

Irritation to skin and discolouration:

It is said that application of papaya on the skin could result in irritation. Our skin becomes yellow orange when too much of papaya is consumed.


Allergies are caused by this papaya and it might be because of papain in the fruit or due to pollen from the flowers. There are few symptoms of allergy seen and these are swelling of face and mouth plus dizziness, headache, rashes around mouth and tongue, difficulty in swallowing etc.

Respiratory issues:

Papain present in papaya is a potential allergen and it could lead to respiratory disorders like asthma, wheezing, congestion etc when papaya is consumed in excess.

Food tube gets damaged:

When papaya is consumed in excess amounts orally then the food tube or oesophagus would get damaged.  This food tube connenects throat and stomach is well known.

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