Kumari Palany & Co

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These treatments for excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis are very effective

Sweat is natural for all of us and we all sweat after running, walking, doing other physical activities etc. This sweating or perspiration is the fluid secreted by our sweat glands present in the skin.

Posted On :29/Jun/2018 9:36:28 AM

These are the various health benefits of taking bath before sleeping in the nights

We all take bath once daily and there are many who take bath even twice in a day. Hot and humid weather is responsible for making us bath twice. By taking bath twice we feel very fresh and happy.

Posted On :28/Jun/2018 9:57:41 AM

These home remedies are effective to get rid of the kidney stones in us

When a solid crystalline piece of material occurs in our urinary tract or within the kidney then we are said to have this kidney stone issue. It is also called as urolithiasis. It must be noted that a small stone does not create any harm for us.

Posted On :28/Jun/2018 9:46:15 AM

When we are iron deficient, then our body shows these signs or symptoms

Also called as Sideropaenia, iron deficiency is the state or condition where our body has not got enough iron to supply for its needs. This iron deficiency is a common nutritional deficiency in us. For producing haemoglobin, iron is needed.

Posted On :27/Jun/2018 10:15:14 AM

Acid from our body could be removed by these alkaline foods

To maintain a perfect balance it is important to note that our body needs both acidic as well as alkaline foods. For digestion our stomach needs to be acidic whereas our blood must be alkaline.

Posted On :27/Jun/2018 10:12:18 AM

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