Kumari Palany & Co

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Your childs behavior could be the result of a brain tumor

The peer pressure, often as an effect of expectations, many times takes away the childhood out of children these days and the parents as well as the teachers are responsible for it too.

Posted On :06/May/2019 6:20:16 PM

In Chennai, major government hospitals increasing fire safety measures now

Nearly two years ago, directive regarding fire safety measures were issued by the Madras High Court and it grabbed many eyeballs is known. The news is many government hospitals

Posted On :06/May/2019 9:40:28 AM

These clearly shows why hawthorns are highly beneficial for us

People belonging to Europe, North America and northern Asia would have come across thorny flowering shrubs belonging to the family Rosaceae and this is hawthorn. The amazing

Posted On :06/May/2019 9:38:59 AM

How to overcome the effects of blue light from digital devices?

It is very common for people to know the harmful effects of overexposure to TV, laptop and smartphone screens. Its effect and consequential reactions on brain and eyes are often discussed and debated,

Posted On :04/May/2019 5:09:56 PM

Hypertension vs secondhand smoking

Researchers recommended non-smokers to quickly get out of a smoky room or smoky car and remain distant until the smoke is cleared.

Posted On :04/May/2019 5:07:45 PM

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