Kumari Palany & Co

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Pure Nattu Sakkarai in Chennai

Nattu Sakkrai is also knowns as Jaggery powder, is made from unrefined sugar, and is obtained by boiling raw, concentrated sugar cane juice till it solidifies.

Posted On :21/Aug/2019 6:39:06 PM

Womans grit helps her recover from multiple ailments and Bariatric surgery

In an example of true human resilience and courage, Deena Vumshi, a 41 year old homemaker who was suffering from more than 10 different

Posted On :21/Aug/2019 5:51:32 PM

Having digestive issues then drink these teas

Digestive issue is one common health problem and majority of us would have experienced this issue in our lives. It is said that a good tea is the best way to treat

Posted On :21/Aug/2019 4:57:23 PM

Do you know why Intake of sprouts is important for us?

In the recent times many people have started consuming sprouts. The presence of many nutrients in these sprouts has made sprouts highly popular.

Posted On :21/Aug/2019 4:47:57 PM

Why it is important to eat kohlrabi?

In many European countries we could come across a hardy annual vegetable related to the cabbage family.

Posted On :20/Aug/2019 5:40:33 PM

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