It is known that GCC has been issuing passes for those who want to travel for various important reasons in the lock down period. The news is GCC has extended the validity of the passes to 17th May 2020.
It was mentioned by Chennai Corporation commissioner Mr. G. Prakash that the validity of passes given to the industries was extended to 17th May. All essential service passes that has been issued to attenders, care givers and senior citizens etc have been extended till 17th May 2020.
In the same way, the passes that were issued to medical shop workers, manufacturing companies, telecommunications, banks, bank related workers, food products manufacturers have also been extended till 17th May.
It must be taken into account that passes for 670 companies and workers were issued till 14th may 2020 and their validity was extended to 3rd May and then to 17th May. There has been some delay in getting the passes for caregivers and this was brought out by Mr. V. Sukumar Babu former floor leader in corporation council. Point is many senior citizens and their caregivers were not able to apply for the passes online.
Mr. Sukumar later explained about how the system must be changed to facilitate the issue of passes without insisting on the online mode. He added that many residents were willing to give application for passes and have requested the government to make the system simple for the sake of helping the senior people. Information is the residents have requested the government to permit the children of senior citizens to visit their home towns in other districts to be with their parents.
The risk of spread of Corona virus infection has made the Corporation officials not to give permission to the children of senior citizens to go to other districts.