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Do you want beautiful glowing skin then consume these foods

Posted on: 08/Nov/2019 5:44:27 PM
Who doesn’t like to have a glowing and beautiful skin? It is said that for the skin to be glowing we must consume certain superfoods that are rich in the nutrients, fibers, antioxidants, etc. It is worthy to note that superfoods play an important role in preventing issues like cancer, heart diseases, etc. In addition to these, superfoods also hydrate our skin and we could be free from issues like dryness, oiliness, dark circles under our eyes, etc.

For our skin to glow, it is important that we must consume these foods without fail.

Intake of Avocado:

The skin could maintain elasticity and water content by the antioxidants carotenoids present in avocados. It is known that free radicals are the reason behind damaged skin and aging in us. Intake of avocados could help the skin cells to regenerate damaged skin by fighting the free radicals. The presence of omega 9 fatty acids in avocados could keep the top layer of the skin moisturized.

Intake of Salmon Fish:

It is said that the omega 3 fatty acids and good fats in salmon fish could save our skin from harmful sunrays and repair the damaged skin. The toxins are kept out so that the skin looks flexible and firm.

Intake of Blueberries:

Healthy and beautiful skin could be got by antioxidants. It is important that we must take enough blueberries so that the antioxidants levels get increased in us. Information is free radicals are not good for skin and they are eliminated by the intake of blueberries.

Intake of Lemon:

The vitamin C in lemon does superbly in helping elastin and collagen to hold the skin cells together. We could get young flawless skin.

Intake of Turmeric:

It is important to mention here that inflammation could lead to skin roughness, wrinkles, etc. The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric could make our skin glowing.

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