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By these, a person working in shifts could save the relationship with their married partner

Posted on: 28/Sep/2019 5:57:19 PM
Just getting married won’t make a couple happy and joyful. It is important to note that in the initial days the relationship might be happy and it might not be the same later on. There are many factors that could create issues in a married relationship. One such factor is working in shifts. Sometimes husband and wife might be working in different shifts.

It must be taken into account that different shifts could lead to communication gap between husband and wife. This might result in misunderstandings and fights between them also.

There are few ways by which a person working in shifts could save the relationship.

Utilize the time effectively:
It must be noted that while working in shifts husband and wife would not get enough time to be together. So it is important that when shift going person gets time then he/she must spend that time effectively. By going for a film together or by going for long drive together with partner, relationship could be saved.

By having meal together:
There is nothing better for a married couple than to have breakfast or dinner together. It won’t be possible to have meals together every day atleast having meals together for twice or thrice a week would be good and would make the relationship strong.

Make a schedule to discuss important things:
It must be noted that discussing important things while eating together or during sleeping time could spoil the things.  It is important that by making a schedule to discuss important things the relationships could be saved.

By creating intimacy:
Point is building closeness or intimacy with the partner is very essential for the relationship to be strong.  For example, giving a small kiss to the partner or a hug when he or she leaves for work could go a long way in saving the relationship.

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