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Good cholesterol levels in us could be boosted by these

Posted on: 31/Jan/2019 10:03:57 AM
These days we often come across the word ‘Cholesterol’. Found in the body cells, cholesterol helps to digest foods and it produces hormones. Our body needs some cholesterol and our body produces that amount of cholesterol is known. It is said that any additional amount of cholesterol in us would cause harm for our health. Building up of cholesterol could be dangerous and it could result in coronary heart diseases etc. The important piece of information is HDL or high density lipoprotein or good cholesterol is good for our heart. The excess fat present in the blood is removed by this HDL cholesterol.

By these ways good cholesterol or HDL could be increased.

By doing physical exercises:

This is one important way to increase HDL in us. It is said that our overall health could be boosted by exercises like walking, running, jogging, swimming, aerobics etc.

By losing weight:

Our HDL could be increased by losing our excess weights. It is important to achieve BMI between 18.5 and 25 and weight loss could be achieved by intake of fruits plus others like whole grains, proteins etc.

By quitting smoking:

It is well known that smoking could lead to cancer and death etc. Not many know that by avoiding smoking our HDL or good cholesterol would be increased. This quitting of smoking is also one important way to boost our good cholesterol levels.

By consuming healthy fats:

Fats that are healthy must be chosen and they must be consumed by us. It is good to avoid the intake of  saturated fats like butter, full fat dairy and trans fat present in many processed foods etc. Our LDL gets increased when we take food rich in saturated and trans- fats. The solution would be switching to unsaturated fats present in plant derived oils like olive oil, canola etc.

By limiting the intake of processed foods:

It is known that high amounts of trans-fats and saturated fats are present in the processed and packed foods. Intake of these foods in huge amounts could impact our cholesterol levels in a negative manner. The excess sodium in these processed foods could increase our BP etc.

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