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More about honey

Posted on: 27/May/2016 9:48:25 AM
Honey has been used as a medicine, a beauty agent and a mystery product that could prevent the evil eye, promote wellness and also do away with the ill effects of warring constellations. All this, along with being a sweetener for food. This food product has been used by humans even before many grains, crops and pulses were cultivated. Ancient Egyptians used honey in their tombs. Many of Sumerian medicines were based on honey. Ayurveda uses honey extensively and considers it to be a medicine par excellence. 

However, modern research has found honey dangerous for infants and for those with compromised immunity. Says a healing expert, Honey helps overcome depressive mood and is an excellent brain tonic when taken with pre-soaked almonds. It also clears mucus from body.

So is honey really dangerous? Doctors advise against giving honey to children under the age of one. But, it has been used as a pacifier for newborns since ancient times. According to recent research, raw honey may sometimes have spores of botulinum bacteria which can lead to botulism in kids. It does not affect older children and adults because they have more developed digestive system. 

Says the National Honey Board, A tablespoon of pure honey contains nearly 64 calories, is fat-free, cholesterol-free, and sodium-free, says the National Honey Board. Its composition is roughly 80 percent carbohydrates, 18 percent water, and two percent vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Sugar has 48 calories. 

In spite of this, honey is believed to be healthier as it has lesser sugar that needs to be broken down by the body. Sugar has empty calories, but honey has trace amounts of minerals like zinc, selenium and also some vitamins. Also, since honey never decomposes, it is free from preservatives and chemicals. 

Ayurveda and Siddha use honey extensively. According to a celebrity nutritionist, The composition of honey makes it an anti-septic and anti-bacterial agent. It has been found to prevent trickling in throat and hence is used as a cough remedy. Honey used with lemon and warm water when taken on an empty stomach boosts metabolism and reduces water retention in body.

Honey has been scientifically proven to be actually effective in some cases. For example, Honey induces sleep when taken with warm milk or water. Because of its anti-bacterial properties honey is said to be effective against burns and cuts. Ayurveda says, the use of honey along with lemon and ginger is beneficial in the treatment of irritating cough. As a soothing agent, it produces a calming effect on the inflamed mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract and relieves cough and symptoms like difficulty in swallowing. In old age, honey is highly beneficial as it provides strength and warmth to body. 

So how can you healthily use honey in your everyday food? You could add honey to a glass of warm water, squeeze a lemon into it and drink early morning on an empty stomach. But this causes acidity to many people. So for them, honey in warm water to which a pinch of cinnamon is added is the best morning drink.

Use honey instead of jams and jellies. Make a healthy salad dressing at home using honey. Mix 2 tsp honey with 2 tsp lemon juice, 1 tsp mustard powder, 1 tsp oregano and some chilli flakes s and your dressing is ready. To make it more runny add some orange juice. It tastes great with beetroot and feta.

Use honey to sweeten your beverages and drinks. Also use it to sweeten desserts and dishes, instead of sugar. But remember, it still has loads of sugar, so moderation should be your caution.

For a cold, add a dash of honey to 1 glass of milk which has been boiled with a teaspoon of turmeric powder. Drink it warm, before going to sleep. If you have a sore throat, mix honey with holy basil leaves, add a dash of pepper and lick slowly. 

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