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For these splendid reasons, we must eat sapota or Chikoo fruit

Posted on: 20/May/2021 8:13:49 AM
In the summer season, one fruit that is consumed commonly is sapota or chikoo. Belonging to a family named Sapotaceae, sapota is an evergreen tree mostly found in south Mexico, central America etc. This fruit is also seen growing in countries like India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Malaysia etc. When compared to mangoes or apples, sapota might not be that famous but the sapota fruit intake could provide us with plenty of benefits. This sapota fruit is rich in minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, copper, phosphorus etc. We can consume sapota in the form of juice or squash etc. It must be noted that sapota is rich in calories 100gms of sapota has 83 calories.

Various benefits of eating sapota or chikoo are

Good for bones:
It is believed that by eating sapota fruit our bones would get strengthened. The calcium present in sapota would make the bones strong.

Loaded with antioxidants:
Truth is that sapota is loaded with many antioxidants and due to this reason this fruit must be consumed by us without fail.

Immunity booster:
Rich in vitamins like A,B and C by consuming intake of this fruit our immunity would get boosted. We would be free from infections and diseases.

Treats insomnia:
Many have sleep based issues and find it very difficult. By eating sapota the person would be able to sleep well in the night.

Prevents constipation:
It is important to note that by consuming sapota rich in fibres we could avoid constipation issues in us. Issues like IBS or irritable bowel syndrome etc could also be avoided.

Controls BP:
Blood pressure is one common health issue that is present in many persons these days. By eating sapota or chikoo it is possible to regulate blood pressure.   

Rich in iron:
By eating sapota, a person might not get iron deficiency as this fruit has iron content. The person could keep anaemia at bay.

Prevents cancer:
Information is that eating sapota can also help us to avoid cancers of lungs, mouth etc. This is due to the presence of vitamins like A and B that aids in keeping mucous lining healthy. Colon cancers could also be avoided. 

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