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Ideas on New Year Resolution

Posted on: 31/Dec/2015 11:12:52 AM
As the New Year is falling in just one day, you must be at the verge of setting up your resolutions. This may be for your success or the failure. Not anybody will want to attempt for a positive change just to dump their goal for a few weeks. Unfortunately, a significant amount of us fail to keep up and follow the resolutions taken each and every year.
Well, it is not necessary that you make a resolution for this New Year. Instead, you can begin with significant changes that can bring forth lasting impact in your entire life. Below are six ways to achieve your New Year resolution in the forthcoming year 2016
Short term goals
You may have to refrain from taking resolutions for the entire year and switch to taking them every month. Break down each of your goal into short term ones. Why can`t you shorten the timing of the resolution that suits your goal type rather than trying to focus on the entire calendar?
Write down your goals and discuss it with friends
In a recent study made on goal-setting at the Dominican University, California, the participants were made to write down all their goals and split them into action steps and these were shared with friends. This group showed a success rate of 64 percent which is comparatively twice higher than those 40 percent of the participants who just thought of their goals and rated how difficult and important they are.
Furthermore, those who set goals and make weekly update to their friends enjoyed 76 percent success rate by being at least in the halfway of achieving their goals.
It is always better to keep a journal and review it weekly. Share your goals with friends and colleague and get feedback from them at regular time intervals. Keep sharing your progress with them.
Create momentum
Avoid taking key measures right at the beginning. For example, if your resolution is to get on track for retirement, and you feel that you are pretty behind savings, you do not have to wait until an exhausting and thorough analysis is made. Keep bumping up your contributions right away, even it is too little.

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