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Please take care about these early signs of mental illness

Posted on: 15/Jul/2019 10:18:09 AM
Never ignore the mental health because it is as important as the physical health. It is said that by visiting the doctor our physical health issue could be solved. In mental health, symptoms might be there for too long but we might not get appropriate treatment for that. Those who have got mental health issues feel shy to talk about their issues with others is very common.

The information is this shyness might create issues to the overall health also and hence mental health issues must be sorted out at the earliest.

There are few warning signs on mental illness in us.

Changes in appetite and sleep pattern:
Never ignore any drastic changes in the appetite and sleep pattern as they are the most important warning signs of mental illness. Point is if these persist for more than 2 weeks then it is important that we must share it with our close persons.

Dramatic mood change:
This is not normal and hence when a person shows dramatic mood change or emotions then he or she might have advanced stage of mental illness in them.

Issues regarding functioning:
It must be noted that unusual drop in the functioning at work, school or social activities in a person could be a sign of mental illness.

Problems in thinking:
Mentally ill people would have issues regarding thinking properly. They would not be able to concentrate at their work or school. Issues with memory, logical thoughts and speech are warning signs of mental illness.

Increased sensitivity:
It is revealed that increased sensitivity is one of the early warning signs of mental illness. If a person shows increased sensitivity to touch/smell/sound/sight etc then he/she must be having mental illness in them.

Feeling disconnected:
Some people around us would start showing feelings of being disconnected with their loved ones or society. Then these persons are having mental illness.

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