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Over 50 thousand clinical labs at the verge of shut down

Posted on: 06/Apr/2019 3:12:41 PM
The directorate of medical services  has notified that it is likely to shut down 50,000 clinical establishments that includes clinics, nursing homes, hospitals, labs, scan centres, etc. if they remain unregistered with the state health department. To note, the Tamil Nadu Clinical Establishments Act, 2018 insists upon mandatory registration of such establishments with the health department.

While the expected registration count was 75,000, only a total of 18,000 applications are received until Friday, say directorate reports.

Be it private or public clinical establishment, the state had structured the legislation in March 2018 wherein registration was made mandatory. March 31 was the last date to register. The Act further stresses on the fact that clinical establishments that remain unregistered shall get closed down starting from 31st June. The clinics have still got grace period for wrapping up the registration process, points Dr. N. Rukmini, the director of medical services.

Exclusive, convenient software

The process of registration can be simply done online using exclusive software developed for the same. The registration involves filling up applications plus the demand draft. Following this, the clinical establishments will be subjected to inspection to make sure that they have got appropriate infrastructure as well as human resource as per the Act. For qualifying hospitals, 5-year license will be issued.

Streamline and structure Indian medical system

This new rule was enforced in order to streamline and structure allopathic and Indian system of medicine. This rule includes specifications about waiting area space, drinking water availability, toilet facilities, etc. This initiative has received huge welcoming among Indian Medical Association members. On the other hand, Unani practitioners and other lab associations have come up with a plea to relax a few norms. In rural areas, there are several labs with single rooms. They do not cater to the requirement, and hence have not applied for registration, say General Secretary of Doctors Association for Social Equality.

The   pre-requisite for clinical laboratories, according to mandates of legislation is that the space availability in rural areas should be at least 500 sq.ft. for collecting samples, first aid, reporting, processing ,etc. Coming on to urban regions, the prerequisite for space is 700-1500 sq.ft. And it should have enough spacing for reception, sample collection, biohazards should be isolated, and works related to radioisotope should cater to the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board rules.

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