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Are You with the Right Mate?

Posted on: 09/Jul/2018 5:45:31 PM
Relationship Tips by Mathi Surendran        Know more about Mathi Surendran
I have been married for three months. I don’t know how l lived through my marriage so long as I cannot stand my husband. I want to divorce him as he is not good looking and he also earns far less than I do. My friends are also advising me to divorce my husband, as he is no match to me. What should I do? - Thilaga from Coimbatore

Hi Thilaga,

You say you want to divorce your husband after being married for just three months. And you feel that you have been married too long. I feel sad that you are taking your marriage very lightly. You must have known that the income of your husband was less even before your marriage. You could have objected to it then itself. It would have been justifiable if you did so then, as you had the rights to decide who your life partner should be.

But you did not do that. Instead, you married your husband. You have lived with him for 3 months. Now you want to divorce your husband. You are doing it all wrong.

I think you dislike your husband because he earns less than you do. It is not a reason for divorce. There are many marriages where the wife earns more than the husband. They adjust and live.

The income of your husband is not going to remain the same all through his life. Who knows? As years go by, he might earn more than you do. 

So, don’t make the income of your husband a reason for your divorce. You might regret your impulsive decision later. Three months is too less a period to understand your husband. Take off the thought of divorce from your mind. 

Unless you spend quality time with your husband, you can never understand him. Talk to him with friendliness.You might find him a lovable person. You might like him also. When you start liking your husband the thought of divorce will never enter your mind.

Looks never matter in marriage. A good looking husband need not be a good husband. So, don’t quote that as a reason for divorce. 

I have known many girls who divorce on impulse and regret to have ended a relationship with a good man. Don’t compare your life with your friends. Don’t listen to their advice, as it will always be biased. 

Your life is your own and only you have to live it. Make your marriage a success by understanding your husband for what he is and not judge him by the money he earns and by his looks. They do not matter at all for marital happiness. I hope you understand the importance of marriage as it is easy to let go it and regret it forever. 

                                                                      Know more about Mathi Surendran

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