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Acid from our body could be removed by these alkaline foods

Posted on: 27/Jun/2018 10:12:18 AM
To maintain a perfect balance it is important to note that our body needs both acidic as well as alkaline foods. For digestion our stomach needs to be acidic whereas our blood must be alkaline.

It is true that few foods increase the acidic nature and this could result in accumulation of toxins in us. Inflammation takes place due to increased acid levels in us. In that case it is important to consume certain foods that would remove the acids from our body. PH balance in our body is restored by these alkaline foods.

These below mentioned alkaline foods must be consumed by us so that acid is removed.

Consumption of almonds: These almonds are tremendous and have large amounts of nutrients as well as healthy fats in them. The intake of almonds that are alkaline provides us many health benefits like improving skin and hairs, memory power, reduce cholesterol levels etc.

Intake of cucumbers: The diuretic properties of cucumbers are amazing. Breaking uric acid in our body and flushing it out is done naturally when we consume cucumber. Hydration of our body plus elimination of toxins etc are possible by cucumber. One important point is acid crystallization could be prevent by cucumber intake.

Cabbage consumption: Most of us consume cabbage and the presence of magnesium and folates in this vegetable is beneficial for our digestive and immune system. Intake of cabbage promotes alkalinity at a cellular level in our body. Ability of our body to fight cancer plus inducing weight loss is possible with the consumption of cabbage.

Lemon intake: Belong to citrus fruits, lemon are alkaline in nature. The lemons are highly useful for our digestive system and help it to function well.  Intake of lemons improves pH levels in us. Lemon juice could be added to warm water and it could be consumed by us for flushing out excess acids in us.

Consumption of grape fruit: Being alkaline in nature, the grapefruit belongs to citrus fruits is well known. Intake of grapefruit is fabulous as it enriches our body with vitamin C plus our immune system gets strengthened highly. Alkaline levels in us get improved and accumulation of excess fat is avoided.

Intake of basil: Belonging to family Lamiaceae, basil is herb and is used in many dishes. This basil is rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, calcium plus omega 3 fatty acids etc. Rich in nutrients this basil helps in the elimination of acid from our body naturally. As a result getting kidney stones is lowered in us.

Cantaloupes consumption: This cantaloupe could be consumed so that our body pH levels are restored. Cantaloupes are sweet to taste and are rich in vitamin B, beta carotene etc and is alkaline in nature. Flushing out of all the toxins is possible by the nutrients in cantaloupe.

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