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‘108 Services’: 72 exclusive ambulances ready for villages in mountainous regions

Posted on: 06/Jun/2014 2:16:27 PM
‘108 service’ is being expanded in Tamil Nadu benefiting the people living in mountainous region villages.

72 special ambulances, fit for driving in mountainous roads are ready.

It is well-known that ‘108’ emergency service is operative in Tamil Nadu.

These ambulances do an important and excellent service in carrying people injured in accidents or women suffering from labour pains.

This service is hugely popular. The people in cities and villages have availed this service to good effect. However, this facility has not been made available so far for the people living in villages in mountainous regions.

Currently, pregnant women having labour pains have to be carried on coir-cots for several kilometres for treatment. The state government has planned to provide 108 services for these regions. 72 specially built ambulances capable of being driven in uneven and rough roads have been procured.

An official from Health Planning department informed that the special ambulances, provided with special features for rough roads driving, are ready. The district-wise registration of the ambulances is being done. The ambulances will be ready for operation in 2 months. This would be a very useful facility for the people living in villages in mountainous regions.

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