Kumari Palany & Co

Zebronics Celebrates 26 Years of Innovation, Trust, and Excellence

Posted on: 24/Apr/2023 9:06:56 AM
Yesterday marked a significant milestone for Zebronics, as we celebrated our 26th anniversary. Our journey so far has been nothing short of remarkable, filled with both triumphs and challenges. Through unwavering commitment to innovation, excellence, and trust, we have managed to steer the company towards success.

As we reflected on the last 26 years, we were grateful for the support of our employees, suppliers, distribution partners, loyal customers, and stakeholders who have been integral to our growth. We recognized that it takes a team effort to achieve our goals and vision, and we are proud of the individuals who have grown with us over the years.

Looking ahead, our vision for Zebronics is to continue building trust and value for our consumers, nurturing and empowering leaders who share our passion and commitment, and contributing significantly to PM Modi`s vision of Aatma Nirbhar Bharat through our Made in India products. We also aspire to expand our network globally, bringing the Zebronics brand to new markets and audiences.

Zebronics is more than just a company; it is our home, identity, and source of pride. We are grateful for the blessings that have allowed us to be part of this amazing journey. As we enter this new year, we are excited and ready to take on the challenges and opportunities ahead. Let us continue to lead the way and show the world why Zebronics is always ahead.