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The state government can take action if drinking water bottles sold at higher prices

Posted on: 03/Jul/2019 10:50:51 AM
‘Maximum Retail Price’ or MRP is printed on marked on all retail-sold items including bottled water, cool drinks, and packed food items.

However, in most public gathering places such as bus stations, railway stations, airports, hotels, and multiplex theatres sometimes twice the price or even 3 to 4 times the retail price marked!

Another malpractice is to sell a combination of 2 items under the name ‘combo’ – for example, cool drinks and popcorn – at exorbitant prices. The common public of not too high economic status cannot afford to buy these items and thus put to great hardships.

This burning issue was raised during the ‘question hour’ in the parliament yesterday (Tuesday, 2nd June).  The central government minister for Food and Consumer Affairs, Ram Vilas Paswan answered this question. He explained:

‘A large number of complaints have been received that the bottled drinks, packaged food items, etc., are sold at higher prices than the printed MRP.

However, there is a legal Act under the Act of Measurement passed during the year 2009 to prevent this sort of selling at higher prices than MRP. The central government has taken serious note of this issue and reviewing the same.

The above Measurement Legal Act is implemented by the state governments. So, the state governments have the authority to penalise the offenders charging much more than the MRP for food items.’

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