Kumari Palany & Co

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Commencement of English Mode of Education in All Government Schools from this Academic Year- Government Order

Posted on: 01/May/2014 10:52:51 AM
Across TamilNadu, ‘Mupparuva Kalvi’ scheme has been introduced during 2012. As per government order this mode of education plan has been launched in all government school.

This ‘Mupparuva Kalvi’ has been educated to the school students in the mode of Tamil language.

Government has directed its order to all the authorities of the government schools to take up this education plan in the mode of English language.

In favor of upgrading the levels of the poor and rural area’s students, this ‘Mupparuva Kalvi’ should be taught in the mode of English and this has been implemented in the school since 2013 academic year across TamilNadu.

Instead of struggling in the private school fees structure, the poor students can very well get a higher grade education in the government schools via this propaganda.

Hence, this scheme will definitely increase the heads of the students in the Government schools.

If government takes steps in including English mode of education in all government schools, then it will definitely lead a high count of students in government schools than compared to the private schools.

This educational system constitutes three terms of exams (First, Second and Third terms) to evaluate the talents of the students.

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