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Why a majority of the coronavirus-infected do not have any symptoms?!

Posted on: 10/Oct/2020 1:32:26 PM
Until now, no clear-cut explanations could be provided as to why a majority of the coronavirus-infected patients do not show any symptoms!

Meanwhile, it is strongly believed that the extent of danger due to the coronavirus pandemic is more dangerous for the patients who show symptoms as compared to those who do not show any symptoms!

It is also noted that the patients who had not shown any symptoms while being infected with coronavirus do recover much faster as compared to the patients who had shown symptoms!

At the same time, quite paradoxically, it is also informed that the possibility of the spread of the coronavirus pandemic from those patients who had not shown any symptoms is much stronger!

In a research-survey conducted in this regard by the USA Arizona University, the coronavirus, identified as Sars-COV-2, once entering the human body, it penetrates the cells and leads to some changes!

In the latest research, certain aspects have been revealed why no symptoms are absolutely shown by more than half of the coronavirus-infected or why the disease spreads more rapidly through them.

Is pain restricted by coronavirus infection?

The Professor from the Department of pharmaceuticals from the Tucson University, Doctor Rajesh Khanna shared in this regard:

“Some people do not show any symptoms even as they are infected with coronavirus! This may be because the spread entering their body cells restrict the pain!  

It may be more particularly stated that the danger of the spread of coronavirus happens while the patients who had not shown any symptoms of being infected with coronavirus are carrying on with their regular duties!

This above article has been published in the International Medical Journal. It is mentioned:

“Lots of features have been analysed in this research! The coronavirus-infected person who had not shown any symptoms in the early stages seems to be healthy! He/she moves around without any restrictions doing his daily duty! Nothing prevents him from doing so! Just because the germs having entered his body, affected the cells and restricted the pain generation!

So, in case a person is infected but apparently seems to be healthy, the reason is that these germs having entered the body cells had restricted the extent of pain and also prevents any symptoms as well! It would be great if the fact that the failure of displaying any symptoms is the main reason for them to be spreading the coronavirus!

The USA Disease Prevention and Warning Council have informed that the spread of the coronavirus disease happens only in the initial stages and 40$ spread happens before the symptoms are displayed and the infection intensifies!

This research has enabled know certain points to research why when 2 persons are infected at the same time, why each of them display different symptoms.

OK! But why body pain is restricted after infection?

Lots of researching has commenced answering this question! Presently, it is believed Sars-COV-2 virus which spread the virus, once entering the human body, attacks the cell which generates the sensation of pain and thus restricting the pain felt.  A solution to this factor may arrive when balancing the protein-rich quality of the virus.

The coronavirus may latch on to the pain-detecting cells and block their effect. The scientists have found another feature:

The scientists have found by the infection of coronavirus can be through using the Neurobiin-1 cells which detect the pain.

As such, at the end of the 1st Phase of the Research, it is established that the reasons explained as above are responsible why a majority of the corona-infected do not show any symptoms for the same!

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