Kumari Palany & Co

Galangal is highly beneficial for us

Posted on: 26/Feb/2019 10:24:12 AM
Belonging to ginger family, ‘Alpinia Galanga’ is the scientific name for galangal. Many of us would get confused on seeing galangal because it is similar to ginger. It is important to mention that this galangal is used in cooking in Asia due to its digestive healing properties. The rhizome is simply superb as it has got the ability to heal many health issues in us. Many ingredients present in this galangal are proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fibres, vitamin C, sodium etc.

Various benefits of galangal are

Fights cancer:

The amazing point about galangal is its cancer fighting ability. It could prevent the onset of various types of cancers in us like gastric cancer, breast cancer and liver cancer etc. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of galangal plays a huge role here.

Good for blood circulation:

It is said that this herb has got ability to flush out toxins from our body and as a result of this blood circulation gets improved. The harmful toxins do not get deposited in our body due to the antioxidant property of galangal.

Good for digestive health:

The digestion in us could be improved by the presence of dietary fibres and phytochemicals in galangal. By using galangal, persons with ulcers could get relief. Issues like abdominal pain, anorexia could be prevented.

Good for heart health:

The truth is galangal improves our heart health by reducing the cardiac contractions and cardiac output by increasing the supply of blood to all our vital organs. It is important to mention that galangal could be used to treat strokes plus other heart related issues in us.

Cognitive function gets better:

This is also one important health benefit we could get by this amazing herb. Purified 1’ acetoxychavicol acetate (1’ACA) present in galangal could improve our cognitive functions. Our brain health becomes good by the anti-inflammatory property of this superb herb. Onset of age related brain degenerations gets limited.

Immunity gets increased:

Our immune system gets more strength by the antioxidant present in this galangal. It is believed that stimulating an effect on the reticulo-endothelial system is possible by the polysaccharide extract present in the herb.