Kumari Palany & Co

These are the various health issues we get due to excess belly fat

Posted on: 10/Jul/2018 10:33:06 AM
Many of us have this excess belly fat issue and the presence of excess belly fat would make both men as well as women unattractive. It is important to note that there are 2 types of belly fat in us namely subcutaneous fat and visceral fats. While the former is easier to see and grab the latter is not. This visceral fat is present around all the important organs like heart, liver etc and it is known as active pathogenic fat. 

There are many health issues that arise due to excess belly fat in us. These are

Increased inflammation:

This is one important health issue due to the presence of excess belly fat. More inflammation is caused because visceral fat produces more inflammatory molecules that go to the liver directly.

Type 2 diabetes:

It is very clear that persons with excess belly fat are at greater risk of getting type 2 diabetes in them as the presence of visceral fat plays role in the insulin resistance.

Leads to cardiovascular diseases:

As per research studies it is now revealed that certain molecular proteins are produced by the visceral fats in us and this harms our body. Constriction of our blood vessels takes place resulting in rise in BP. Inflammation plus constriction of blood vessels could result in clogging of the arteries.

Causes depression in us:

Not many know that excess belly fat could also result in depression. Healthy neurotransmitter functioning gets reduced. Hormonal changes also take place and there would be high mood swings. This might lead to depression later.

Insomnia and other sleep disorders:

Loud snoring and sleep apnea are present in those who have excess belly fats and neck with large fat deposits. When the fats are deposited around our lungs and air passages then breathing becomes tough. This is called as sleep apnea where a person stops breathing for few moments several times in the nights.

Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease:

The brain becomes lesser in volume in those who have excess belly fat and after a period of time the functioning of brain reduces. Those having excess belly fat are more prone to Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.