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Alzheimers likely due to Vitamin A deficiency during pregnancy

Posted on: 28/Jan/2017 5:24:57 PM
For all the expecting mothers, it is a must to consume Vitamin A rich vegetables such as sweet potatoes, carrots and greens, according to a latest study. The study warns that vitamin A deficiency while the fetus is in womb or just after birth wholly determines brain development in fetus or the newborn which may later lead to Alzheimer’s disease.
It is during the early developmental stages that the brain tissues get programmed for the whole of remaining stages of one’s life. The British Columbia researchers studied this on mice where genetically-engineered mice were given with supplements of vitamin A and they found that those given with the supplements slowed down degenerative brain diseases.
According to Dr. Weihong Song, there is significant detrimental effect in brain development caused by even very minimal deficiency of vitamin A during pregnancy. Song had performed different studies where vitamin A and cognitive impairments were directly set against each other. The effects of vitamin A deprivation in womb and as an infant were studied.
Even a very slight difference in Vitamin A deficiency had its impact on amyloid beta production, a protein that forms plaques which will smother and eventually kill out neurons in Alzheimer’s disease. 

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