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If you have these medical conditions, then please avoid eating ginger in excess

Posted on: 05/Apr/2021 9:27:35 AM
Consuming ginger could provide us with many health benefits like controlling BP, treating diabetes, treating nausea, cold etc. The medicinal properties of this important spice are due to the presence of a bioactive compound gingerol is a well known fact. It is revealed that intake of ginger in both moderate as well as in high amounts could be dangerous for those with certain health conditions.

Persons with these medical conditions must avoid consuming ginger in high amounts or overdose.

One of the best remedies for weight loss is by consuming ginger. It is believed that by consuming ginger having gingerol the rate of metabolism would be more and there would be suppression of the appetite. By eating ginger, calories get burned at a high rate and the person would eat less. Those who are underweight or those who want to gain weight must compulsorily avoid ginger intake.

It has been shown by a research study that intake of ginger could increase bile secretion and cause formation of gallbladder stones. Point is that excessive intake of ginger could stimulate the liver to produce more bile juice. By this, the formation of gall bladder stones would be accelerated.

When a woman is pregnant then it is normal that she would get nausea and vomiting etc regularly. Intake of ginger would reduce these issues. It is true that a pregnant woman must not eat ginger in excess amounts as she could get premature contractions. This would lead to miscarriage or early delivery of the newborn.

Blood disorders like haemophilia:
Those with osteoporosis issues could get relief from pain by consuming ginger and salicylates present in ginger play a huge role. Blood circulation gets improved and flow of blood to various organs becomes better. It is now brought out that those persons on blood thinning medications or from haemophilia must avoid ginger as it would lead to more bleeding.

Truth is that by consuming more ginger people with piles issue might have more irritation, itching, discomfort, pain etc. Bleeding would also increase and their condition might worsen.

People might get affected with severe kidney impairment like chronic kidney disease when they consume excess ginger having compound named creatinine.

It is true that those persons with GERD or acid reflux issues could get irritation of stomach lining, chest- pain, heartburn etc when they consume overdose of ginger. Eating ginger in moderate amounts wowould be good for those with GERD.

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