Kumari Palany & Co

Technology News

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Central Government: ban on sales of used Apple iphones

The central government has banned the selling of used Apple smartphones.

Posted On :05/May/2016 4:53:38 PM

Google Chrome Named Top Internet Browser

Various internet browsers are being used by different countries the world over such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox.

Posted On :04/May/2016 3:27:09 PM

KFC deploys robots as waiters

One of the worlds leading fast-food chain of restaurants, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), plans to deploy robots to serve its customers in its shops.

Posted On :03/May/2016 9:43:30 AM

Discounts on Samsung gadgets to celebrate Make for India

Korean manufacturer Samsung has announced offers and discounts to celebrate the Make for India campaign.

Posted On :02/May/2016 6:10:32 PM

One to one laptop programmes improve test scores, says study

A new study has found that there is a significant improvement in academic achievement in schools that provide their students with a laptop computer with appropriate support.

Posted On :02/May/2016 6:06:30 PM

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