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Do you have a teenage son or daughter, then you must compulsorily know about these common issues faced by them!!

Posted on: 14/Oct/2022 6:44:12 PM
Parenting is never an easy job!!  

It is very difficult for any parent to deal with a teenager and it is not easy being a teenager too. The minds of a boy or girl during their teens are unstable is known. The teens get irked even for a small reason and parents would find it tough. Therefore, it has become very common for the parents to complain about their kids being over active or disrespectful or not showing enough gratitude etc. Communicating with their kids in an open manner would be good.

Various issues faced by the teenagers that every parent must be aware of

Issues due to body image problems:
The body of a kid would undergo lots of changes as they move into their teenage years and into adulthood. The kids would feel upset and depressed and lose self esteem if they are unable to accept these changes in a positive way. During the teenage years, a boy or girl would have a common issue of pimples on their faces. This would make them feel embarrassed.  Changes in the height, weight, body hairs etc are other changes that would happen during the teenage years. It is the duty of every parent to know how their children feel about their bodies. They must make sure that their kid is comfortable and not compare the kids with others etc.

Issues due to bullying:
It is true that teenaged boys or girls would face bullying from others and bullying could be either verbal or physical. Parents must make sure that they talk with their kids regarding bullying. The shocking truth is that kids when bullied by others would have several issues like sadness, loneliness, depression, anxiety etc. The teens who are bullied might even show lack of interest in studies etc.

Issues due to competitions & pressure etc:
The teenaged kids would compare themselves often with others. Based on the kids  behaviour, personality or happiness etc, parents too would compare themselves with other parents etc. Therefore, it is natural that we compare ourselves with others. Parents must take care and make sure that the comparison would not make their kids feel insecure about themselves.

Issues regarding alcohol or drugs abuse:
In this digital age, it is quite natural that the teen aged kid knows many things regarding intake of alcohol or drugs etc. Fact is that teenagers are highly curious about forbidden things. Every parent must explain fully about the harmful effects of alcohol or drugs etc. Parents can also tell their kids about drinking etc only after the kids reach the correct age as underage drinking is illegal.

Issues about parents support etc:
Parents must provide a clear space for their teenage kids as the kids are e growing up. This must not mean that they must not show any concern for their teenage kids. It is important that parents must provide their support for their teenage kids. Point is that these 2 things could be balanced well by friendly communication with the kids. 

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