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Fenugreek seeds help check the sugar level in the blood!!

Posted on: 10/May/2022 4:38:50 PM
Only soluble fibre can help prevent the deposit of fat in the heart!

Only soluble fibre can help prevent/cure constipation and also keep the cholesterol level in the blood.

Fenugreek seeds are rich in Potassium which changes the salty contents in the blood and helps reduce blood pressure.

  • Among the vegetarian food items, fenugreek seeds are rich in soluble fibre. It is advisable to use this as one of the ingredients when preparing idly, sambar or rasam.  However, please note that if used in excess quantity, fenugreek seeds will increase the bitterness level!
  • Fenugreek seeds serve as a common single medicine for 3 diseases – Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, and heart attack. Fenugreek green is an excellent food item and a cure for diabetics.  Research has established that with a daily intake of 2 ounces of fenugreek seeds intake, bad fat, known as SDS Cholesterol reduces considerably.
  • By adding a teaspoonful of fenugreek seeds to buttermilk, keeping it for some time, and then grinding this mix and applying on the head before taking bath, the hair will regain its lustre and brings coolness to the eyes! Further, dandruff complaints will get cured quickly.
  • Fry 10 grams of fenugreek seeds in ghee (clarified butter) and add a pinch of anise (known as ajwain in Hindi and ‘sombu’ in Tamil) and a pinch of salt. Add these ingredients to a glass of buttermilk! Drinking this medicinal buttermilk will cure diarrhoea.
  • Making a gruel with rice, a pinch of fenugreek seeds, and a pinch of crushed garlic pearls and drinking it will improve the digestion system, It will help the breastfeeding mother with more production of milk!
  • Fenugreek has the property to dissolve kidney stones and its regular intake will prevent the formation of kidney stones. It enhances the extra urine production and prevents the formation of stones!

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