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Please eat these salt substitutes to lower sodium intake to control your BP!!

Posted on: 21/Feb/2022 9:38:07 AM
For spicy dishes or for desserts etc, salt is being used and use of salt would increase the flavour of the food.

It is one of the highly used ingredients in the kitchen. Intake of too much salt is not good for our health and it could lead to a few issues such as stroke, BP, heart diseases etc. Those persons who have hypertension or BP are usually advised by the doctors to eat foods that are low in sodium content. A person is said to have hypertension when his or her blood pressure in the arteries is high continuously. Hypertension results due to factors like high salt intake, fat and cholesterol etc. Hypertension could also be due to other reasons like kidney issues, hormone issues, family history etc.

There are many research studies that have shown how low sodium intake could regulate the brain as well as cardiovascular health. There are few salt substitutes available and these could reduce the chances of getting strokes by 14%.

Various healthy substitutes for salt are

Black pepper powder:
Many use salt in combination with pepper for making dishes. It is said that instead of this combination it would be superb to use the one that is healthy. Point is that ground black pepper has superb anti-inflammatory properties and it could be a good substitute for salt.

Onion powder:
Most of us chop the onions and use it to prepare delicious dishes. People love to eat onions as vegetables are well known fact. It is said that instead of chopping onions and adding to the dishes it would be good to add onion powder as this would increase the food flavour.

Widely used in preparing many dishes, pungent smelling garlic could enhance the flavour of the food. Fact is that garlic can also be used as a substitute for salt. By adding garlic to food, we could avoid an increase in sodium consumption. It is superb to mention here that garlic has got anti-inflammatory properties.

Red pepper flakes:
Salt could be replaced with red pepper and the food would taste good. Apart from being an effective substitute for salt, red pepper could also add spiciness to the food. Various foods like pasta, pizza etc usually have red pepper.

Lemon zest or juice:
It is known that citrus fruits like lemon etc are rich in vitamin C. Intake of these would improve the immunity superbly. Hence, it could be tried as a substitute for salt.

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