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Men can avoid prostate cancer by following these lifestyle changes, take care!!

Posted on: 25/Nov/2021 9:50:41 AM
A small walnut sized gland that produces seminal fluid is the prostate gland. The shocking piece of news is that prostate cancer is the fourth most common type of cancers detected in males. Various prostate disorders include inflammation, cancer, enlargement and infection etc.

It is important to note that growth of cancer cells in the prostate gland could lead to issues in passing urine plus ejaculation, blood in urine etc. This prostate gland cancer is found mostly in men who are above the age of 65. The food we consume plus our lifestyle changes could lead to prostate cancer. After developing prostate cancer, it would be difficult for the person to undergo chemotherapy, radiotherapy etc. Instead, it would be easy to manage those that could lead to prostate cancer.

Men must follow these lifestyle changes to be free from prostate cancer issues. 

By consuming a low fat diet:
Fat is of 2 types namely good fat and bad fat. It must be taken into note that good fat improves heart health, lowers BP and reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases etc. Bad fat is dangerous for our health and we could get chronic diseases. Foods that would provide us good fats like nuts, fish etc must be consumed and foods like dried fruits that would provide bad fats must not be consumed. It is true that by consuming high fat foods males could develop prostate cancer in them.

By adding more fruits and vegetables:
Various types of nutrients are present in colourful fruits and vegetables. Our internal organs could function well with these nutrients. To get maximum benefits, it is essential that we must consume fruits and vegetables compulsorily. The risk of getting prostate cancer in men would become lower by intake of vitamins and minerals present in fruits and vegetables etc.  

By maintaining healthy weight:
Fact is that men could get prostate cancer and various other chronic issues if he is overweight or obese.  Those males who have a BMI or body mass index of more than 30 could get prostate cancer. Once when a male crosses 50 years of age, his metabolism would slow down and he would gain weight. Overweight persons must follow a healthy diet.

By exercising regularly:
For our lives to be healthy and long, it is necessary that we must do exercises regularly. Point is that exercising could reduce the chance of getting prostate cancer and heart diseases etc. To manage weight and balance calories, doing exercises is important. Therefore, men must do exercises for atleast 30 minutes daily.

By quitting smoking and alcohol:
Smoking and drinking alcohol could lead to many health issues in us by reducing the immunity y in us. Hence, it is important to quit smoking and drinking to avoid prostate cancer.

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