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Know about these reasons that causes foot pain in us

Posted on: 14/Aug/2020 10:10:34 AM
It is known that our feet support our whole body when we walk plus when we do exercises. These days, many of us experience foot pain. Foot pain could lead to issues in the walking and as a result we would find moving from one place to another very tough. 

A person of any age under any circumstance could get this foot pain in them. It is important to mention that this foot pain could either be an occasional ache that could fade away with time or it could be an underlying health condition in us.

There are few common causes of foot pain in us and they are

Plantar Fasciitis issue:
Our foot pain could be caused due to plantar fasciitis. Here, the tissue plantar fascia gets inflamed. It is known that this tissue connects heel bone to the feet.  If you get throbbing pain in the mornings, then you can be sure that it could be due to this plantar fasciitis issue.

Tendinitis issue:
Thick, fibrous cords attach muscles to the bones and when this gets irritated then the condition is called tendinitis. Those with this issue show dullness while moving plus tenderness and mild swelling etc. Depending on the severity of this issue, doctors might suggest physical therapy, injections etc. Usually, pain medication could treat this issue.

Turf toe issue:
Sometimes in some persons, the main joint of the big toe gets affected by sprain and this is turf toe. Mostly this issue occurs in athletes. Persons with this issue might get pain, swelling etc. Rest or compression etc could be able to treat mild turf toe issues.

Calluses or corns issue:
Our skin could try to protect us from pressure or friction and it could lead to calluses or corns. They are thick layers. Sometimes, the people with calluses might find it tough to walk.

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